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Custom Maps Gallery

Animated Globe

What is a Map?

If one wants to be technical (and we do!), mapping is the process of geometrically projecting information that is essentially spherical onto a plane, e.g., a flat piece of paper or computer screen. Because of this projection there can be distortions. The elimination or reinterpretation of those distortions are accomplished through different mathematical schemes. Effectively this means that there is a give an take between maps that are equal area, equal distance or perspective . The maps presented in this gallery show different color schemes to offer the viewer a variety of perspectives concerning map colors.

If you would like to learn more about mapping and how map projections are calculated, go to these excellent explanations at (we currently only only deal with the 7 standard projections listed below)

Pictorial Perspective

Orthographic Map

A pictorial perspective map, with no distortion—just like viewing the earth from space. We can generate any view on the globe within a resolution of 30 miles.

Pricing - Map Base

Continents & Grid (Web): $200

Continents & Grid (Print): $400

Continents, Countries (Web): $400

Continents, Countries, & Grid (Print): $800

Pricing - Overlays

Timezones: $250 (web), $500 (print)

Datapoints — you provide longitude and latitude: $2 ea.

Datapoints — we look up and plot: $5 ea.

note: datapoints can be company offices, or anything else that comes to mind.

Azimuth (Equal Area) Projection

Azimuthal Equal Area Projection

Pricing - Map Base

Continents & Grid (Web): $200

Continents & Grid (Print): $400

Continents, Countries (Web): $400

Continents, Countries, & Grid (Print): $800

Pricing - Overlays

Timezones: $250 (web), $500 (print)

Datapoints — you provide longitude and latitude: $2 ea.

Datapoints — we look up and plot: $5 ea.

note: datapoints can be company offices, or anything else that comes to mind.

Azimuth (Equidistant) Projection

Azimuthal Equidistant Projection

At smaller scales this type of projection is used by the military, becase of the accuracy in measuring distances between objectives.

Pricing - Map Base

Continents & Grid (Web): $200

Continents & Grid (Print): $400

Continents, Countries (Web): $400

Continents, Countries, & Grid (Print): $800

Pricing - Overlays

Timezones: $250 (web), $500 (print)

Datapoints — you provide longitude and latitude: $2 ea.

Datapoints — we look up and plot: $5 ea.

note: datapoints can be company offices, or anything else that comes to mind.

Alberts Conic Projection

Lamberts Conic Projection

Pricing - Map Base

Continents & Grid (Web): $200

Continents & Grid (Print): $400

Continents, Countries (Web): $400

Continents, Countries, & Grid (Print): $800

Pricing - Overlays

Timezones: $250 (web), $500 (print)

Datapoints — you provide longitude and latitude: $2 ea.

Datapoints — we look up and plot: $5 ea.

note: datapoints can be company offices, or anything else that comes to mind.

Conic (Equidistant) Projection

Equidistant Conic Projection

Pricing - Map Base

Continents & Grid (Web): $200

Continents & Grid (Print): $400

Continents, Countries (Web): $400

Continents, Countries, & Grid (Print): $800

Pricing - Overlays

Timezones: $250 (web), $500 (print)

Datapoints — you provide longitude and latitude: $2 ea.

Datapoints — we look up and plot: $5 ea.

note: datapoints can be company offices, or anything else that comes to mind.

McBride-Thomas Projection

McBryde-Thomas Projection

Pricing - Map Base

Continents & Grid (Web): $200

Continents & Grid (Print): $400

Continents, Countries (Web): $400

Continents, Countries, & Grid (Print): $800

Pricing - Overlays

Timezones: $250 (web), $500 (print)

Datapoints — you provide longitude and latitude: $2 ea.

Datapoints — we look up and plot: $5 ea.

note: datapoints can be company offices, or anything else that comes to mind.

Mercator Projection

Mercator Projection

An equal area projection. A school room favorite. The primary visual problem with this projection is enormous distorition at the poles due to the fact that the north and south poles are parallel to infinity.

Pricing - Map Base

Continents & Grid (Web): $200

Continents & Grid (Print): $400

Continents, Countries (Web): $400

Continents, Countries, & Grid (Print): $800

Pricing - Overlays

Timezones: $250 (web), $500 (print)

Datapoints — you provide longitude and latitude: $2 ea.

Datapoints — we look up and plot: $5 ea.

note: datapoints can be company offices, or anything else that comes to mind.

Millers Cylindrical Projection

Millers Cylindrical Projection

Less distortion than the Mercator at the poles. Neither equal area nor conformal. Used in most United States atlases. This is one of the most familiar projections.

Pricing - Map Base

Continents & Grid (Web): $200

Continents & Grid (Print): $400

Continents, Countries (Web): $400

Continents, Countries, & Grid (Print): $800

Pricing - Overlays

Timezones: $250 (web), $500 (print)

Datapoints — you provide longitude and latitude: $2 ea.

Datapoints — we look up and plot: $5 ea.

note: datapoints can be company offices, or anything else that comes to mind.